teisipäev, 16. mai 2017

Dell- 2016. aasta üks eetilisemaid firmasid

Delli eetilisust saab iseloomustada 6. lihtsa sõna või lausega. Delli töötajad ja firma on aus, usaldusväärne, vapper, kohtleb teisi inimesi austusega, otsustamisel kasutab erinevaid põhjalikke hinnanguid ning on vastutustundlik. Inglise keeles kõlab see muidugi kõik paremini (allpool väljavõte sellest). Aga üldiselt, mida veel saaks ühelt firmalt tahta? Loetelus on kõik ka tavaelus tähtsad olevad iseloomuomadused, mida võiks iga inimene endas kanda. See, et Dell oma eetikakoodeksiga sai 2016. aasta kõige eetilistemate firmade hulka võis olla just tänu lihtsale ja meeldejäävale ülesehitusele.

Our ethical principles are (http://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/uscorp1/corporate~corp-comm~en/documents~dell-code-of-conduct-external.pdf?c=us&l=en&s=corp):
We are honest. What we say is true and forthcoming — not just technically correct. We are open and transparent in our communications with each other and about our business performance.
We are trustworthy. Our word is good. We keep our commitments to each other and to our stakeholders. We do the right thing without compromise. We avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
We treat others with respect. We value their contributions and listen to their point of view. We maintain fairness in all relationships.
We are courageous. We speak up for what is right. We report wrongdoing when we see it.
We use good judgment. We think before we act. We use our purpose, values and ethical principles as decision filters to guide our behavior.
We are responsible. We accept the consequences of our actions. We admit our mistakes and quickly correct them. We don't retaliate against those who try to do the right thing by asking questions or raising concerns. 

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